
Physical Size: 36' x 26' (TIES WITH #DPC-618-9, DPC-619)
Horizon: 8' 6"
Wooded area with residential view of homes with backyards during the day with green and bare trees in a Minneapolis Minnesota suburb of Edina
Physical Size: 36' x 26' (TIES WITH #DPC-618-9, DPC-619)

Image Type: Digial Print Small Town Residential Stock Photos & Rental Backings

Day/Night: Rental Backing Resolution Printed at 600 DPI

Keywords: woods wooded green bare barren tree trees mn minnesota minneapolis edina yard yards neighborhood neighborhoods usa us u.s.a. u.s. united states of america north day daytime blue sky clear winter fall autum spring home homes residential residence residences house houses street streets backyard backyards back yard